Restoration Christian Ministries

About Restoration Christian Ministries


Who We are

A member of the COGOP--Eastern Canada)Church of God of Prophecy. Restoration Christian Ministries (RCM) was founded by Pastor Noel Richards upon whose heart God has laid a special burden for the youths of our neighborhood, country, and the world.


Our Mision

Restoration Christian Ministries (RCM) seeks to meet the spiritual needs of the people and to bring them into an intimate relationship with Jesus Christ through fellowship, evangelism, mission, teaching, and preaching to empower all believers for Christian service.


Our Vision

Our vision is to restore the whole person to God. This means as follows:

  1. Spiritually: Being lost without hope, through Jesus we can all have hope.
  2. Socially: Being among the community of believers, loneliness is dispelled.
  3. Mentally: Being saved, we must love the Lord with our minds and experience the peace of Christ


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